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- Art1
- Building Plan4
- Document821
- Creator...
- Caldwell, Elvin R., 1919-2004 38
- Webb, Wellington E. 35
- A.E.A.O.N.M.S., Inc. 20
- Webb, Wilma J., 1943- 18
- Community Education Council 14
- Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. 14
- Taylor, Arie Parks, 1927-2003 13
- Noel, Rachel B., 1918-2008 11
- Shorter African Methodist Episcopal Church (Denver, Colo.) 10
- Community Education Council (Denver, Colo.) 9
- Manual Training High School (Denver, Colo.) 9
- Cole Junior High School (Denver, Colo.) 8
- Lamm, Richard D. 7
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Colorado Holiday Commission 7
- McNichols, William Henry, 1910- 7
- Mosley, John W., 1921-2015 7
- Denver (Colo.) 6
- Ríos, Francisco 6
- Schroeder, Pat 6
- Wellington, Webb E. 6
- Glenarm YMCA (Denver, Colo.) 5
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Denver Central Branch 5
- United Negro College Fund 5
- Martin Luther King Jr., Colorado Holiday Commission 4
- Scottish Rite (Masonic order). United Supreme Council, Prince Hall Affiliation, Northern Jurisdiction 4
- Urban League of Metropolitan Denver 4
- "Let's Vote Yes for Denver's Future", Inc. 3
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Delta Psi Lambda Chapter 3
- Atkins, James A., 1890-1968 3
- Black Education United (Denver, Colo.) 3
- Equity Savings and Loan Association (Denver, Colo.) 3
- Esquire Club, Inc. 3
- Haynes, Allegra, 1953- 3
- Metropolitan State College (Denver, Colo.) 3
- Moore, Isaac Edward, 1944-1999 3
- Norton, Melvin J. 3
- Organization of Black Airline Pilots 3
- Smith, Leroy, 1911-1989 3
- Urban League of Denver 3
- Arie Taylor for Legislature Committee 2
- Ashton, Rick J., 1945- 2
- Blair, Omar 2
- Boy Scouts of America 2
- Brzeinski, Joseph E. 2
- Castro, Richard Thomas, 1946-1991 2
- Clinton, Bill, 1946- 2
- Colorado Black Caucus 2
- Committee for Denver's Future 2
- Crider, Robert 2
- Denver (Colo.). Career Service Authority 2
- Denver (Colo.). City Council 2
- Denver (Colo.). Eastside Neighborhood Health Center 2
- Denver City Council 2
- Denver Election Committee 2
- Denver Public Library 2
- Denver Public Schools 2
- Denver School of the Arts (Denver, Colo.) 2
- Desert of Maryland, A.E.A.O.N.M.S., Inc. 2
- Dolan, Joseph F. (Joseph Francis), 1921-2008 2
- Doughty, George F. 2
- Edna and John Mosley Celebration Committee 2
- Ellerbee, Marion V. 2
- Flanigan, James C., 1915-2008 2
- Gallagher, Dennis 2
- Goldberg, Charlie 2
- Greenwood, Marie L., 1912-2019 2
- Groff, Regis, 1935- 2
- Harrell, Alfred C. 2
- Harris, McKinley 2
- Henry, Lawrence M. 2
- Kauvar, Abraham J., 1915-2003 2
- Links, Inc. 2
- Morrison, G. (George), 1891-1974 2
- Nabity, Don L. 2
- Newton, Quigg, 1911-2003 2
- O'Boyle, Lila M. 2
- Peña, Federico 2
- Roth, Herrick S., 1916- 2
- Smith, Pearl Jean 2
- Taylor, Arie P. (Arie Parks), 1927-2003 2
- The Rossonian 2
- United States. Women's Bureau 2
- Warnoco Ballroom 2
- Zall, Max P. 2
- Zion Baptist Church (Denver, Colo.) 2
- unknown 2
- AFL-CIO. Colorado Labor Council 1
- Allott, Gordon, 1907-1989 1
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter (Denver, Colo.) 1
- American Legion Post No. 163 1
- Americans for Democratic Action. Colorado Chapter 1
- Arnold, H. H. 1
- Atkins, James A. 1
- Aurora (Colo.) Commission on Human Relations 1
- Aurora History Museum 1
- Bain, Jean K., 1909-1999 1
- Barnes, Mitzi 1
- Barrett, Pat 1
- Bell, Richard 1
- Bentley, Helen 1
- Bezoff, Ben, 1914-1979 1
- Bischoff, Robert D. 1
- Black American West Museum 1
- Black American West Museum and Heritage Center (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library 1
- Blake, Claude W., Mrs. 1
- Blazek, Chuck 1
- Booker, George W. 1
- Bormolini, Ann M. 1
- Boy Scouts of America. Denver Area Council Inc. 1
- Boyd, J. Langston II (Rev) 1
- Boyd, Joe, activist 1
- Bradley, Bill 1
- Brandon, Eddie 1
- Brown, F. R. 1
- Bryant, James B. 1
- Buckley, Claire B. 1
- Burke, Edward F. 1
- Burks, Irene 1
- Caldwell for Council Committee 1
- Caldwell, Frankie Harriette, 1918-2001 1
- Caldwell-Kirk Mortuary 1
- Campbell, Thomas 1
- Canter, Alan L. 1
- Caranci, Eugene 1
- Casey, Lee Taylor, 1889- 1
- Cassidy, Arthur 1
- Chase, John B. 1
- Child Opportunity Program, Inc. 1
- Cicero, Mark 1
- Clark, Clara J. 1
- Clark,Dorothie T. 1
- Clinton, Hillary Rodham 1
- Cloud Poster 1
- Colling, D. J. 1
- Coloradans for Fair Taxation 1
- Colorado Agricultural College 1
- Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Colorado Black Women for Political Action 1
- Colorado Black caucus 1
- Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council 1
- Colorado C.U.E.E. Inc. 1
- Colorado C.U.E.E.'s, Inc. 1
- Colorado Department of State 1
- Colorado Education Association 1
- Colorado Federation of Teachers 1
- Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation 1
- Colorado Legal Initiatives Project (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Colorado Social Legislation Committee 1
- Colorado State College (Fort Collins, Colo.) 1
- Colorado State Fire Chiefs Association 1
- Colorado State University. Alumni Association 1
- Colorado. Civil Rights Commission 1
- Colorado. Department of State 1
- Colorado. Governor's Commission on the Status of Women in Colorado 1
- Committee to Elect Hiawatha Davis 1
- Committee to Elect King Trimble 1
- Committee to Elect Webb for Auditor 1
- Committee to Re-Elect Elvin Caldwell 1
- Committee to Re-elect Elvin R. Caldwell 1
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.) 1
- Continental Airlines 1
- Cook, Joseph E. 1
- Cooper, Ann 1
- Cordova, Donald E., 1938-2003 1
- Cosmopolitan Club (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Cross, Floyd 1
- Currigan, Thomas G., 1920-2014 1
- Darden, Ed 1
- Darley, Ward, 1903-1979 1
- Davaney, Sheila Greeve 1
- Davidson, Evelyn 1
- Davis, Hiawatha 1
- Davis, Hiawatha, 1944-2000 1
- Dawson, William L. (William Levi), 1886-1970 1
- Decredico, James B. 1
- Delta Eta Boule 1
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Beta Phi Chapter 1
- Democratic Club of Denver 1
- Denver (Colo.). Board of Education 1
- Denver (Colo.). Office of the Mayor 1
- Denver (Colo.). Parks and Recreation Department 1
- Denver Center for the Performing Arts 1
- Denver County Democratic Central Committee 1
- Denver Democratic County Central Committee 1
- Denver Election Commission 1
- Denver Police Protective Association 1
- Denver Public Schools. Board of Education 1
- Denver Urban Renewal Authority 1
- Denver Young Men's Christian Association 1
- Derry, Dora A. 1
- Dickens, Ronald 1
- Dill, Arthur G. 1
- Ditzler, B.T. 1
- Dominick, Peter H. (Peter Hoyt), 1915-1981 1
- Donahue, Theresa 1
- Donlon, John J. 1
- Donohue, Cathy 1
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project 1
- Duerson, Ron 1
- Duncan, Carole 1
- Early, Norm 1
- East Denver Ministerial Alliance 1
- East Denver YMCA (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Edwards, John, 1953 June 10- 1
- Ellis, Esther 1
- Essig, B.C. 1
- Evans, Lee 1
- Faris, Peter 1
- Ferguson, Dave 1
- First Methodist Episcopal Church (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- Fitzsimons Army Medical Center 1
- Five Points Business Association 1
- Five Points Community Center (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Fleming, Richard C. D. 1
- Flemon, Wilton 1
- Freed, John W. 1
- Freeman, Don R. 1
- French, Mary Mel 1
- Frew, John 1
- Friends of Arie Taylor 1
- Fronzo, Gilkey 1
- Fuchs, Rod 1
- Galvin, Dorothy 1
- Garcia, Maria 1
- Garner, Ed 1
- Gayles, Julia A. 1
- Goodrich,Marta 1
- Gorrell, Teryl R. 1
- Grand Prix of Denver 1
- Gray, Sherman D. 1
- Greene, Susan 1
- Greenwood, Marie L., 1912- 1
- Greiner, Gordon G., 1934-2016 1
- Grelle, William A. 1
- Griswold, Lester 1
- Groff, Regis. 1935-2014 1
- Grooms, Velma 1
- Guest, Edgar 1
- Guinn, Dorothy C. 1
- Hamil, Dave 1
- Hamil, David A. 1
- Hamner, F. B. 1
- Hansen, H. A. 1
- Harding, Ed 1
- Hepburn, David 1
- Hernández, Rufina A. 1
- Higham, John L., Jr., Mrs. 1
- Hirschfeld, Edward, 1907-1984 1
- Hispano Education Lay Advisory Committee 1
- Historic Denver, Inc. 1
- Holmes, Clarence F., 1892-1978 1
- Holy Redeemer Church (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Horn, Gilbert J. 1
- Howard, David 1
- Hudson, Andrew 1
- Imperial Court Daughters of Isis 1
- Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (Denver, Colo.) 1
- International Institute of Municipal Clerks 1
- Jackson, Michael H.; 1
- Jenkins, Howard, Jr., 1915-2003 1
- Johnson, Billy 1
- Johnson, Charley, 1938- 1
- Johnson, Walter Walford, 1904-1987 1
- KFEL Kilocycle Club 950 1
- Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 1
- Kelly, Carrie G. 1
- Kobayashi, T. K. 1
- Kurtz, Shulom 1
- Lamm, Dottie 1
- Lane College Alumni Association, Inc. 1
- Langer, Cathy 1
- League of Women Voters of Denver (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Legacy of Love 1
- Leiser, Henry 1
- Leonard, Steve 1
- Levand, Louis 1
- Lincoln Hills, Inc. 1
- Little, Joseph F. 1
- Lopez, Micheal B. 1
- Lovato, Joe 1
- Love, John A., 1916-2002 1
- Loyal Order of Moose. Lodge #21 (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Lozano, Toni, 1939-2014 1
- Maguire, John 1
- Manley, Nettie M. 1
- Manual High School (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Marshall, Capricia Penavic, 1964- 1
- Mattei, Mamie Duclós 1
- Mazurana, Steve J. 1
- McCain, James A. 1
- McCreery, N. R. 1
- McDonald, Vernon 1
- McKim, Michelle 1
- McQuay, Mike 1
- McWilliams, Irene, 1896-1990 1
- Mead, Robert S. 1
- Mejia, James E. 1
- Mendrick, Paul J. 1
- Metropolitan Denver YMCA 1
- Meyer, Frederick W. 1
- Miller, William E. 1
- Ministerial Alliance (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Mitchell, J. O. 1
- Mitchell, Maurice B., 1915-1996 1
- Moore, Florence 1
- Moreland, Walter 1
- Morgan, W. E. 1
- Morrison, Trudi Michelle 1
- Mosley, Henrietta 1
- Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado 1
- Murrell, Marilyn 1
- Mutual Casualty Companies Management 1
- Mwangi, Stephen F. 1
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1
- National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc. 1
- National Council of Negro Women. Denver Section 1
- National Order of Women Legislators (U.S.) 1
- Nelson, C. Lester, Mrs. 1
- Nelson, Frank 1
- New Era Music Corporation 1
- Newton, James Quigg, 1911-2003 1
- Nicholson, Lester E. 1
- Nicholson, Will F. (Will Faust), 1900-1975 1
- Northcross, Lucile 1
- Northwest Bank 1
- O'Brien, Thomas P. 1
- Odom, L. Sylvester Rev. 1
- Ogbuwa, Johnson I. 1
- Omar Blair Campaign Committee 1
- One Cow Cattle Company 1
- Owens, Sil 1
- Owl Club (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Oxley, Harold F. 1
- Ozzello, Gary 1
- Pantages Theatre (San Francisco, Calif.) 1
- Patterson, Wayne K., 1915- 1
- Pedro, James 1
- Penfold, Kenneth C. 1
- Petersen, Leann 1
- Peterson, Sheldon 1
- Pierre's Supper Club 1
- Pikes Peak Consistory #81 1
- Porter, Dorothy J. 1
- Professional & Business Awards, Inc. 1
- Puckrein, Gary A. 1
- Rainey, Homer P., 1896-1985 1
- Reilly, Ed 1
- Reynolds, Marianne 1
- Richard Allen/Albert Carter Brotherhood 1
- Rocky Mountain Musicians Association of NANM, Inc. 1
- Romer, Roy 1
- Rose, Bess J. 1
- Ruixing, Wei 1
- Sampson, Edward A. 1
- Schwartz, Stanley B. 1
- Scordo, Caterina Noya 1
- Scott United Methodist Church (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Scripture, Elizabeth 1
- Seawell, Donald Ray, 1912-2015 1
- Serafini, F.J. 1
- Shafer, Jessie 1
- Sherman, Edith M., 1919-2004 1
- Shorter A.M.E. Church (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Shorter Community African Methodist Episcopal Church (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Simmons, Charles 1
- Sinton, Art 1
- Sippel, Clair T. 1
- Sister Cities International 1
- Slack, Ira E. 1
- Smith, Donna E. 1
- Smith, Joanne 1
- Snow, Richard Lee 1
- Stearns, Robert L. (Robert Lawrence), 1892- 1
- Sternberg, Eugene 1
- Stockholm Blues Society 1
- Supreme Camp of the American Woodmen 1
- Sutton, Leonard v. B. 1
- Synder, Mary 1
- Terry, C. E., M. D. 1
- The Denver Post 1
- The Prospectors Club of the University of Denver 1
- The Storytellers Project 1
- The Vernon McDonald Booking Office 1
- Theus, Lucius, 1922-2007 1
- Thomas W. Bean Foundation, Inc. 1
- Tsuchino, Mamoru 1
- Tuskegee Air Force 1
- Tyler, William E. 1
- United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development 1
- United States. District Court (Colorado) 1
- United States. Small Business Administration. Colorado District Office 1
- United World Federalists (U.S.). Denver Chapter 1
- University of Colorado (Boulder Campus) 1
- University of Colorado (System). Board of Regents 1
- University of Denver Stadium (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Varnado, Arthur 1
- Vedner, Zona 1
- Wagner, Julius F. 1
- Walker, Nick 1
- Webb Fund 1
- Webb for Auditor 1
- Webb for Mayor, Inc. 1
- Webb, Wilma, 1943- 1
- Wedgewort, Elbra, 1956- 1
- Wellington In '87 Announcement Committee 1
- Wellington Webb Re-election Committee 1
- Wellington Webb for Denver Auditor Committee 1
- Wellington webb for Denver Auditor Committee 1
- Wells, Burt 1
- Welsh, Wm. R., Jr. 1
- West, Earl M. 1
- Westerberg, Julia 1
- Williams, Chuck 1
- Williams, Gil 1
- Williams, W. M. 1
- Wilson, Marlyne 1
- Wirth, Timothy E. 1
- Witsell, Edward F., 1891-1969 1
- Wolfe, John 1
- Woodworth, John K. 1
- Wright, Curtis E. 1
- Young Men's Christian Association (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Young Women's Christian Association (Denver, Colo.). Phyllis Wheatley Branch 1
- Younger, John F. 1
- Zamagni, Julio 1
- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Denver (Colo.) 613
- Five Points (Denver, Colo.) 56
- Washington (D.C.) 11
- Fort Collins (Colo.) 10
- Aurora (Colo.) 9
- Denver, Colo. 9
- Buffalo (N. Y.) 7
- Colorado Springs (Colo.) 7
- Boulder (Colo.) 5
- Philadelphia (Pa.) 5
- New York (N.Y.) 4
- Atlanta (Ga.) 3
- Omaha (Neb.) 3
- Temple Hills (Md.) 3
- Five Points (Denver, Colo.) 2
- Albuquerque (N.M.) 2
- City Park (Denver, Colo.) 2
- Detroit (Mich.) 2
- Greeley (Colo.) 2
- London (England) 2
- Pueblo (Colo.) 2
- San Antonio (Tex.) 2
- San Francisco (Calif.) 2
- White House (Washington, D.C.) 2
- Arapahoe County (Colo.) 1
- Arlington (Neb.) 1
- Arvada (Colo.) 1
- Aspen (Colo.) 1
- Austin (Tex.) 1
- Batlimore (Md.) 1
- Boston (Mass.) 1
- Canton (Miss.) 1
- Chicago (Ill.) 1
- Colorado 1
- Craig (Colo.) 1
- D. C. 1
- Dearfield (Colo.) 1
- Denver, (Colo.) 1
- Des Moines (Iowa) 1
- Englewood (Colo.) 1
- Germany 1
- Gilpin County (Colo.) 1
- Greely (Colo.) 1
- Hagerstown (Md.) 1
- Italy 1
- Jefferson County (Colo.) 1
- Las Vegas (Nev.) 1
- Little Rock (Ark.) 1
- Memphis (Tenn.) 1
- Milwaukee (Wis.) 1
- Milwaukee (Wisc.) 1
- Morrison (Colo.) 1
- Nairobi (Kenya) 1
- Nebraska 1
- Nuevo Laredo (Mexico) 1
- Portland (Or.) 1
- Richmond (Va.) 1
- Sedalia (Colo.) 1
- Stockholm (Sweden) 1
- Takayama-shi (Japan) 1
- Tulsa (Okla.) 1
- Vietnam 1
- Wichita (Kan.) 1
Show More - Type of Material...
- Correspondence 211
- Event programs 71
- Photocopies 55
- Invitations 50
- Records (Documents) 49
- Certificates 38
- Business correspondence 34
- Newsletters 27
- Facsimilies 24
- Political campaigns 22
- Press releases 22
- Pamphlets 18
- Fliers (Ephemera) 16
- Political cards 13
- Report cards 13
- Admission tickets 12
- Personal correspondence 12
- Case reports 10
- Field notes 10
- Brochures 9
- Minutes (Records) 9
- Proclamations 8
- Memorandums 7
- Memorial service programs 7
- Conference materials 6
- Indexes 6
- Periodicals 6
- Poster 6
- Speeches 6
- Political posters 5
- Remarks 5
- Biographies 4
- Booklets 4
- Posters 4
- Programs (documents) 4
- Administrative (Decisions) 3
- Awards 3
- Church certificates 3
- Datasets 3
- Dedications (documents) 3
- Diplomas 3
- Entertainment events 3
- Flyers 3
- Greeting cards 3
- Handbills 3
- Holiday cards 3
- Letterheads 3
- Letters of recommendation 3
- Membership cards 3
- Membership certificates 3
- Newspapers 3
- Programs (Publications) 3
- Telegrams 3
- Annual reports 2
- Attendance certificates 2
- Badges 2
- Block diagrams 2
- Bulletins 2
- Business announcements 2
- Business cards 2
- Christmas cards 2
- Menus 2
- Monthly reports 2
- Pamphlet 2
- Pamphlets (Tracts) 2
- Performing arts posters 2
- Postcards 2
- Programs 2
- Receipts 2
- Reports 2
- Resolutions (Law) 2
- Summaries 2
- Advertisements 1
- Affidavits 1
- Announcements 1
- Application forms 1
- Bills (legislative records) 1
- Brochure 1
- Business Correspondence 1
- Calendars 1
- Case Reports 1
- Community newspapers 1
- Contracts 1
- Corrspondence 1
- Descriptions (documents) 1
- Election returns 1
- Essays 1
- Eulogies 1
- Executive orders 1
- Facsimiles 1
- Financial statements 1
- Fliers (printed matter) 1
- Forms, Blank 1
- General information 1
- Graduation announcements 1
- Instruction card 1
- Instruction sheet 1
- Interviews 1
- Invitation 1
- Legal notices 1
- Legislative resolutions 1
- Life histories 1
- Lobbying 1
- Membership ribbon 1
- Memorial service programs 1
- Minutes (administrative records) 1
- Nametag 1
- Notated music 1
- Notes (documents) 1
- Orders in council 1
- Poetry 1
- Political fliers 1
- Press releases 1
- Promotional materials 1
- Radio scripts 1
- Records and correspondence 1
- Resolutions 1
- Resolutions (administrative records) 1
- Résumés 1
- Schedules (time plans) 1
- Sheet music 1
- Short stories 1
- Tours (journeys) 1
- Yearbooks 1
- Zoning ordinances 1
Show More
- Creator...
- Document (PDF)1280
- Creator...
- Taylor, Arie Parks, 1927-2003 86
- Noel, Rachel, 1918-2008 52
- Webb, Wellington E. 40
- Denver Public Schools 39
- Webb, Wilma J., 1943- 35
- Caldwell, Elvin R., 1919-2004 27
- Noel, Rachel B., 1918-2008 23
- People's Presbyterian Church (Denver, Colo.) 22
- United States. District Court (Colorado) 18
- Denver (Colo.). Department of Public Works. Aviation Division 15
- Smith, William E. 15
- Taylor, Arie P. (Arie Parks), 1927-2003 15
- Colorado Women of Color 14
- Lamm, Richard D. 13
- Black Education Advisory Council (Denver, Colo.) 12
- Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library 12
- Glenarm YMCA (Denver, Colo.) 12
- United States Olympic Committee 11
- University of Colorado. Board of Regents 10
- Greenwood, Marie, 1912-2019 8
- Peña, Federico 8
- Denver (Colo.). Board of Education 7
- Martin Luther King Jr., Colorado Holiday Commission 7
- University of Colorado at Denver. Chancellor's Minority Advisory Committee 7
- Black Women's Network (Denver, Colo.) 6
- Hudson, Andrew 6
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Colorado Holiday Commission 6
- Metropolitan State College of Denver 6
- National Hampton Alumni Association. Denver Metropolitan Chapter 6
- Denver (Colo.) 5
- Denver Public Library 5
- Links, Inc. Denver Chapter 5
- Mondschein, Jules 5
- Peña, Federico 5
- Peterson, Courtland H. 5
- Schroeder, Pat 5
- Wells, Marilyn S. 5
- Arnold, H.H. 4
- Colorado Black Women for Political Action 4
- Colorado Commission on Higher Education 4
- Dacus, Ben 4
- Dennis, Evie Garrett, 1924- 4
- Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver 4
- King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006 4
- Nelson, J. Russell 4
- Schroeder, Pat,1940-2023 4
- Shorter African Methodist Episcopal Church (Denver, Colo.) 4
- University of Colorado. Law School Review Committee 4
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 3
- Colorado Black Caucus 3
- Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Task Force on Minority Enrollments 3
- Colorado Public Expenditure Council 3
- Denver (Colo.). City Council 3
- Denver (Colo.). Commission on Community Relations 3
- Denver Democratic County Central Committee 3
- Geiger, Joseph 3
- Girl Scouts of the United States of America. Minority Audit Task Group 3
- Greiner, Gordon G. 3
- McNichols, William Henry, 1910- 3
- Metropolitan State College (Denver, Colo.) 3
- Mosley, John W., 1921-2015 3
- Nelson, Charleszine D. 3
- University of Colorado 3
- University of Colorado at Denver 3
- University of Colorado. Urban University Task Force 3
- University of Northern Colorado 3
- Wellington, Webb E. 3
- Wilson, Blenda J. 3
- unknown 3
- AARP (Organization) 2
- Adolph Coors Company 2
- Alexander, Warren D. 2
- Alvarado, Audrey R. 2
- Bein, Louis F., 1919-1991 2
- Berge, William G., 1923-1995 2
- Berkeley Unified School District 2
- Buechner, John C. (John Charles), 1934-2018 2
- Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble 2
- Colorado Black Roundtable 2
- Colorado Citizens' Committee on Government 2
- Commission on Community Relations 2
- Community Planning Committee for Economic Development. Education Focus Group 2
- Court, Lois 2
- Davis, Hiawatha, Jr. 2
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Denver Alumnae Chapter 2
- Denver (Colo.) Department of Health and Hospitals 2
- District 8 Senior Events 2
- Dubofsky, Jean E., 1942- 2
- Fiddmont, Fannie Harris 2
- Flemming, Arthur S. (Arthur Sherwood), 1905-1996 2
- Hallett Central Advisory Steering Committee 2
- Hart, Beall 2
- International Olympic Commttee 2
- Ittmann, Marjorie 2
- Koeppe, Richard P. 2
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 2
- Lincoln, C. Eric 2
- Manual Training High School (Denver, Colo.) 2
- Metro Denver GIVES 2
- Michael, Robert S. 2
- Murray, Paul 2
- Nelson, Charleszine 2
- Pendleton, Bernard 2
- Pledger, Norman N. 2
- Puffer, Rodney A., 1886-1945 2
- Radetsky, Martha 2
- Rautenstraus, R. C. (Roland C.) 2
- Rios, Francisco, 1956- 2
- Scottish Rite (Masonic order). United Supreme Council, Prince Hall Affiliation, Northern Jurisdiction 2
- Sewall Rehabilitation Center (Denver, Colo.) 2
- Sussman, Gennifer 2
- United States. Employment Standards Administration 2
- University of Colorado at Denver. Office of Affirmative Action 2
- University of Colorado at Denver. Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Analysis 2
- University of Colorado. Planning and Policy Development 2
- Webb, Wilma, 1943- 2
- Women's Forum of Colorado, Inc. 2
- Yasui, Minoru 2
- "Let's Vote Yes for Denver's Future", Inc. 1
- A.E.A.O.N.M.S., Inc. 1
- ACLU of Colorado 1
- ACT!NOW2000 1
- Adams County (Colo.) 1
- Adams County Partners In Progress For A New Airport, Inc. 1
- Adelman, Leonard 1
- Adult Education Council of Denver 1
- Air Transport Association of America 1
- Albright, Richard 1
- Alexander, W.E. 1
- Allen, Q.T. 1
- Allen, Steve 1
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter 1
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Alvarado, Linda G. 1
- America-Israel Friendship League 1
- Applin, Albert G., 1941- 1
- Asare, Ed 1
- Association of Black Psychologists (U.S.) 1
- Association of Records Managers and Administrators. Rocky Mountain Chapter 1
- Baca, Polly, 1941- 1
- Baker, Joan E., 1931-2012 1
- Bangeman, Norman R. 1
- Banks, Cecil J. 1
- Bates, Gladys Noel 1
- Beaney, William M. (William Merritt), 1918-2003 1
- Bell, Richard 1
- Bickham, Willie J. 1
- Bieringer, Steve 1
- Black American West Foundation 1
- Black Education Program Parent Advisory Group 1
- Booker, Delores Christine Punch 1
- Borom, Lawrence 1
- Bottoms, Nereyda L. 1
- Bowen, Otis R. 1
- Bowker, Gary M. 1
- Brader, Jerry H. 1
- Brereton, Renée 1
- Brewer, Thomas B. 1
- Broadmoor Golf Club 1
- Brooks, Pierce R. 1
- Brown, Derek 1
- Brown, George L., 1926-2006 1
- Brown, Joe 1
- Brown-Bailey, Sharon Ruth 1
- Browne,Clara M. 1
- Brzeczek, Richard J. 1
- Brzeinski, Joseph E. 1
- Buchanan, Mary Estill 1
- Caldwell, Ann 1
- Cameron Street High School (Canton, Miss.) 1
- Campbell, Lola 1
- Campbell, R.L. 1
- Cansler, Fritz 1
- Centennial Engineering, Inc. 1
- Centennial Olympic Park Brick Program (Atlanta, Ga.) 1
- Champion-Sloan, Carolyn 1
- Charnes, Alan 1
- Chelf, F. Marion 1
- Child Care Coalition 1
- Child Opportunity Program, Inc. 1
- Citizens Appreciate Police 1
- Clifton, Bob 1
- Coalition for Equity and Excellence for African American Students 1
- Cochran, J. Thomas 1
- Cockrell, Richard C. 1
- Coffman, Melvin C. 1
- Coley/Forrest, Inc. 1
- Coloradans for Language Freedom (CLF) 1
- Colorado Black Roundtable, Inc. 1
- Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council 1
- Colorado Caucus of Black Elected Officials 1
- Colorado Civil Rights Division 1
- Colorado Cooperative Council, Inc. 1
- Colorado Gospel Music Academy & Hall of Fame 1
- Colorado Resource Recovery Committee 1
- Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Extension service 1
- Colorado State University 1
- Colorado State University. Alumni Association 1
- Colorado Tourism Board 1
- Colorado Unity Council 1
- Colorado Women's Hall of Fame 1
- Colorado Young Democrats 1
- Colorado. Department of Personnel 1
- Colorado. Department of Revenue. Inheritance Tax Division 1
- Colorado. General Assembly. House of Representatives 1
- Colorado. General Assembly. Legislative Council. Committee on Business Affairs and Labor 1
- Colorado. General Assembly. Office of Legislative Legal Services 1
- Colorado. House District 7. Political Action Committee 1
- Colorado. Legislative Reference Office 1
- Colorado. Secretary of State's Office 1
- Committee for Denver's Future 1
- Committee for Election of Elvin R. Caldwell 1
- Committee to Elect Arie P. Taylor 1
- Community Education Council (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Community Planning Committee for Economic Development (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Connor, John T. 1
- Continental Airlines 1
- Cook Jr., George O. 1
- Cook, Joseph C. 1
- Copenhaver, Jim 1
- Corbridge, James N. 1
- Cowee, John W., 1919-2010 1
- Cowperthwaite, Blanche T. 1
- Crawford, Ann P. 1
- Crawley, Roy W. 1
- Cross, Merrill C. 1
- Cuba 1
- Cummins, Kevin 1
- Currigan, Tom 1
- Cusack, Chelsea 1
- Dallas (Tex.). Police Department 1
- Damas, Stanislaw S. 1
- Daniels, Bill 1
- Davis, Larry D. 1
- DeGette, Diana 1
- Decade of Service Committees (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Democratic Party (Colo.) 1
- Denver (Colo.). Citizens for Denver's Future 1
- Denver (Colo.). City Council. General Government Committee 1
- Denver (Colo.). Community Development Agency 1
- Denver (Colo.). Department of Public Works 1
- Denver (Colo.). Mayor 1
- Denver (Colo.). Mayor (1983-1991 1
- Denver (Colo.). Mayor's Office of Art, Culture and Film 1
- Denver (Colo.). Office of Airport Gateway Development 1
- Denver Metro Action Committee 1
- Denver Metropolitan Study 1
- Denver Planning Commission (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Denver Unity Council 1
- Department of Intergovernmental Relations Service 1
- Dettering, Richard W. 1
- Dickerson, Ann 1
- Dittemore, Betty Ann Harper, 1919-2000 1
- Doell, William E. 1
- Donohue, Cathy 1
- Downtown Denver Partnership, Inc. 1
- Draine, Jane J. 1
- Drake, Glendon F. 1
- Dubofsky,Jean 1
- Dunn, Maile Cua Dunn 1
- Dunstan, Irene F. 1
- Dwight, Barbara C. 1
- Edmundson, George Robinson, 1866-1945 1
- Eisner, Gilbert 1
- Epstein, Richard H. 1
- Evans, Max L. 1
- Felder, Marge 1
- Felice, Kelly 1
- Fender, Hollis B. 1
- Ferebee, Dorothy Boulding, 1898-1980 1
- Finlaw, Jack 1
- Five Points Business Association (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Fontaine, P.W. 1
- Ford, Norman A. 1
- Fort Carson (Colo.). Director of Personnel and Community Activities 1
- Foster, Ronald E. 1
- Foster, Steven E. (Rabbi) 1
- Franklin, Les 1
- Franklin, Leslie S. 1
- Frazier, Calvin M. 1
- Freed, Michael L. 1
- Friends of Arie Taylor for National Committee Person 1
- Funk, William L., 1933-2019 1
- Gallegos, Gene 1
- Gardenhire, Charlie 1
- Garnand, John A. 1
- Garner, Vel 1
- Gautenbein, E.K. 1
- George K. Baum & Company 1
- Gershtenson, Jack, 1909-1987 1
- Gibson, Mark M. 1
- Girl Scouts of the United States of America 1
- Gleichman, Ted 1
- Glenn, Art 1
- Goldstein, Marilyn 1
- Gotlieb, Dorothy A. 1
- Granite School District Multicultural Center 1
- Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. 1
- Green, Ernest H. 1
- Greeson, Marti 1
- Greiner, Gordon 1
- Grisby, Bill 1
- Groff, Regis, 1935- 1
- Gross, George W. 1
- Grove, D. 1
- Hamlet, O. W. 1
- Hansford, Byron W. 1
- Harris-Fair, Martha 1
- Haskell, Floyd K., 1916-1998 1
- Hicks, Michael J. 1
- Hill, Robert F., 1945- 1
- Hobson, Marion 1
- Hoff, S. A. 1
- Hollis, Barbara Hamilton 1
- Holme Roberts & Owen 1
- Hopkins, William E. 1
- Hores, Dorothy 1
- Horn, Doug 1
- Huggins, John J. 1
- Hynes, Mae 1
- Ingram, H. 1
- Inner-City Community Development Corporation (Denver, Colo.) 1
- International Amateur Athletic Federation 1
- International Black Women's Congress 1
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America. Joint Council 3 (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Iota Phi Lambda Sorority. Alpha Omicron Chapter 1
- Iota Phi Lambda Sorority. Beta Nu Chapter 1
- Isaac, Frederick M. 1
- Jackson, Anna Mitchell 1
- Jackson, Bertram B. 1
- Jackson, Howard D. 1
- Jackson, J.H. Jr. 1
- James F. Reynolds 1
- Jane Jefferson Democratic Club of Colorado 1
- Jawhary, Abbas 1
- Jensen, Ron 1
- John H. Amesse 1
- Johnson, George A. 1
- Johnson, Maureen 1
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. Hospital Accreditation Program 1
- Jones, Helen J. 1
- Jones, J.J., Jr. 1
- Jones, Raymond Dean, 1945- 1
- Kaplan, Marshall 1
- Kaplan, Sheila, 1945- 1
- Kelly, John B., Jr. 1
- Kennard, Jack 1
- Kindred, Kay P. 1
- Kirk Mortuary (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Kopel, Gerald H., 1928-2012 1
- Kraemer, Sandy F. 1
- Kyle, Vada I. 1
- La Fond, John Q. 1
- Lamm, Dottie 1
- Latin American Research and Service Agency 1
- League of Women Voters of Colorado 1
- League of Women Voters of Denver (Colo.) 1
- Lee, Gil Boo 1
- Leese, Mark R. 1
- Leland, Les 1
- Lewis, C.E. 1
- Lewis, Harry 1
- Lincoln Hills, Inc. 1
- Links, Inc. 1
- Long, Maxine 1
- Lynch, Robert L. 1
- MacNeil, Grace Mansfield-Surget, 1907-2000 1
- Major, Marige 1
- Mann, R.K 1
- Mansfield, Martin 1
- Mantooth, Bob 1
- Manual Parent Teacher Student Association (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Marquez, Sheila 1
- Marshall, Rosemary 1
- Martin, M.B. 1
- Martinez, Augie 1
- Matsch, Richard P., 1930-2019 1
- Maxwell, Jessie Whaley, 1909-2002 1
- Mayor's Millennium Commission 1
- McCLearin, Arthur E. 1
- McClean, Hugh 1
- McClenney, Byron N. 1
- McCoy, Marilyn 1
- McKenzie, Gilbert E., Rev. 1
- McLain, Larry 1
- McManus, Juanita 1
- McNichols, William Hart 1
- Medina, Mrs. Steve 1
- Mejía, James E. 1
- Mercado, Elnora M. 1
- Metropolitan State College of Denver. Public Relations Dept. 1
- Meyers, Ben H. 1
- Miller, Jeffrey B. 1
- Miller, Oswald J. 1
- Miller, Terrie 1
- Mills College 1
- Mills, James A. 1
- Mistein, Philip 1
- Moe, Richard 1
- Moeder, Ron 1
- Montera, Joe 1
- Moore, A. Roy 1
- Moore, Calvin 1
- Moran, Rachel F. 1
- Morris, Thelma 1
- Moser, Sherri L. 1
- Mosley, Edna Wilson, 1925-2014 1
- Mountain Plains Congress of Senior Organization 1
- Mountain States Employers Council 1
- Murray, Nelwyn S., 1935-2022 1
- National Academy of Public Administration. Foundation 1
- National Committee for the Support of Public Schools (U.S.) 1
- National Honor Society (U.S.) 1
- National Summit on Africa 1
- National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States 1
- Newcomb, Diane 1
- Newman, Steven L., 1945-2021 1
- Noel, Edmond F., 1916-1986 1
- Nova University 1
- O'Neal, Marjorie 1
- Oberfeld, Joyce 1
- Olmert, Ehud, 1945- 1
- Ortega, Deborah L. 1
- Osterland, Frank 1
- Ovington, Mary White, 1865-1951 1
- Palmer, James D., 1930-2023 1
- Pearson, Jeff 1
- Pearson, Jessica 1
- People United to Save Humanity (PUSH) 1
- Perry, Bertha A. 1
- Peters, James "Pete" 1
- Peters, Johnnie B. 1
- Peterson, Helen 1
- Phelps, Eloise, 1911-2010 1
- Pierre's Supper Club 1
- Pitts, William 1
- Pleas, Felecia 1
- Pledger, Norm 1
- Police-Community Relations Committee 1
- Porter, Dorothy J. 1
- Power, Coletta 1
- Prince, G. L 1
- Puig de la Barca, Alberto 1
- Rachel Noel for Regent Committee, Inc. 1
- Rademacher, Jacqueline P. 1
- Rademaker, Gerald J. 1
- Ramseier, Lloyd L. 1
- Ratzlaff, William J. 1
- Rebell, Milton C., 1905-2003 1
- Reinders,Richard 1
- Remington, Sage Douglas Eagle 1
- Reynolds, Reid Tremper, 1942- 1
- Rhym, Shelley 1
- Richardson, H.A., Mrs. 1
- Roberts, Bill 1
- Roberts, William R. 1
- Rodríguez, Isidoro 1
- Ross, George C. 1
- Ross, Janet 1
- Rotem, Yuval 1
- Rouse, Jack W. 1
- Rozelle, Pete 1
- Saint Catherine's Episcopal Mission 1
- Sayre, Ed 1
- Schroeder, Lee 1
- Schroeder, Pat, 1940-2023 1
- Schweissing, Richard 1
- Scott United Methodist Church 1
- Selby, Cecily Cannan 1
- Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee 1
- Shade, Harry W. (Harry Winston), 1920-2009 1
- Shaka Franklin Foundation for Youth 1
- Sheehan, Thomas H., Jr. 1
- Silver, Ruth S. 1
- Simpson, Norvell 1
- Smith, Gladys 1
- Smith, Judy Ward 1
- Smith, Roger 1
- Speak Out For School Integration 1
- Spearks, J. Rankin 1
- Speck, Dale 1
- Spitz, Henry 1
- Sportswomen of Colorado 1
- Sprinkles, Dallas W. 1
- State Historical Society of Colorado 1
- Steinhauser, Sheldon 1
- Stenmark, Carle E. 1
- Stone, James G. 1
- Sugar, Joseph 1
- Tannehill, Robert S., Mrs. 1
- Teller, James H. 1
- Terry/Johnson and Company (Firm) 1
- Theus, Lucius 1
- Thomas, Charles Jr. 1
- Thomas, Fred 1
- Tooley, Dale, -1985 1
- Treece, Lawrence W. 1
- Tuck, George E. 1
- Tuthill, Jean 1
- United Labor Political Committee 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Denver (Colo.) 831
- Colorado 178
- Boulder (Colo.) 40
- Five Points (Denver, Colo.) 18
- United States 17
- Gilpin County (Colo.) 14
- Park Hill (Denver, Colo.) 13
- Washington (D.C.) 13
- Aurora (Colo.) 10
- Atlanta (Ga.) 4
- Canon City (Colo.) 4
- Chicago (Ill.) 3
- Fort Collins (Colo.) 3
- Grand Junction (Colo.) 3
- Lakewood (Colo.) 3
- Oakland (Calif.) 3
- Vail (Colo.) 3
- Berkeley (Calif.) 2
- Cleveland (Ohio) 2
- Colorado Springs (Colo.) 2
- Hampton (Va.) 2
- Havana (Cuba) 2
- Littleton (Colo.) 2
- Montgomery (Ala.) 2
- Pueblo (Colo.) 2
- Accra (Ghana) 1
- Adams County (Colo.) 1
- Arvada (Colo.) 1
- Broomfield (Colo.) 1
- Canton (Miss.) 1
- Central City (Colo.)
- Creator...